School bullying in a growing society

Akintan-Ralph Maria Oluwatamilore Peckie Every human has enough worries to tend to. Our slowly decapitating economy, the government's many endeavors, and the hefty basic necessities in our every-day lives all add up to distress for the human anatomy to digest, and in all these, there are still worrisome issues that society shouldn't have to ponder on, yet there is a deeply rooted crime in every corner. The case of school bullying is expanding rapidly in a growing society. School bullying is becoming a matter of concern that can no longer be ignored. According to a nation-wide analysis survey of school violence in Nigeria, conducted by the Federal Ministry of Education (2007), physical violence and psychological violence accounted for 85% and 50%, respectively, of the bulk of violence against children in schools. School bullying has gone on to depict society and a school's learning environment as unsafe, building up fear in the hearts of students and shaking the trust of par...